My boyfriend is a fantasy football junkie. I play week to week when I feel like it. Do you play?

I've got friends on all sides of this debate, and I'm curious as to how you feel. Some of my friends play pick 'em leagues, others have played in the same annual fantasy leagues with the same group each year.

I tried playing in an annual league a few years ago, and I liked it. It was a random Yahoo! league, so it wasn't something that I had any stake in, but it made things interesting. This year I got sucked into playing in the weekly leagues that are advertised so much on TV.

I created a team three weeks ago, and I got lucky. Somehow my team came in 15th out of 100. The next week I was in the back of the pack. I took a week off this week, but I'll likely play again next weekend. Do you play?

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