It seems like more & more people are adopting the vegetarian lifestyle these days.  I admit no such interest, but will concede that an occasional dish prepared with no beef, chicken, or fish can be a tasty alternative to my usual fare.

This just might be one of those times to indulge in a meatless option!  Lola's Handcrafted Sandwiches on Old Jacksonville just south of the toll road in Tyler is offering up an all-veggie special this week called the "Garden Grinder".  Check out these ingredients nestled inside a delicious fresh roll:  roasted squash & zucchini, tomato, red onion, & baby spinach, piled on top of artichoke & parmesan spread, all dressed with a roasted tomato vinaigrette. 

While I was writing this, a co-worker walked into the office, saw the pic, & said he's heading for Lola's right now!  As you're considering lunch or lighter dinner options, keep their "Garden Grinder" in mind.  Just remember- it's a special for this week only...



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