I came across a very interesting story and I knew that you guys would help me “sort it out.” Educating students about a foreign culture, a teacher in McAllen, TX required students in her Spanish class to memorize and individually recite the Mexican national anthem and pledge of allegiance — but one student objected, catching the attention of the school district.

Fifteen-year-old Brenda Brinsdon refused to complete the assignment and expressed her objection to her teacher, principal and eventually with help from her father she took her objection all the way up to the top — her school district’s superintendent.

The response of her teacher? Reyna Santos explained that she grew up in Mexico and loved the country. The response of the principal? Yvette Cavazo told Brinsdon it was part of the curriculum and she should participate. The response of the school district superintendent? School district spokesman Mark May told The Blaze the assignment was no different than memorizing a poem or a passage of Shakespeare.

When Brenda made clear she would not stand up and recite the pledge, she was given an alternative assignment -  an essay on the history of the Mexican revolution.

So what are your thoughts? Do you stand behind the Spanish teacher or the student?

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