Mix 93-1 and Half Price Books are proud to recognize outstanding East Texas teachers!

This week's recipient is Ms. Pittelkow of Christian Heritage Classical School in Longview.

Mix 93-1 and Half Price Books are proud to recognize Ms. Pittelkow, a 5th grade teacher at Christian Heritage Classical School as our Mix 93-1 Teacher Of The Week and we

thank her peer for submitting Ms. Pittelkow to be recognized for what she's doing at Christian Heritage Classical School. Here's what her peer had to say about her:

Jessica is very passionate about her job and sacrifices so much time and energy to make certain her students receive the best education possible. She works many long hours after the students have left, grading and preparing for the next day. She is always willing to help students when they are struggling, taking precious time out of her down periods that she has to use for planning and prepping. She is a true example of an excellent educator.

Mix 93-1 and Half Price Books are honored to recognize Ms. Pittelkow as the Mix 93-1 Teacher Of The Week.

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