I went to get my mail from the mailbox yesterday afternoon and there it was, just lying on the ground, tossed out at the bottom of my mailbox -- the new yellow pages phone book. Seeing that little book wrapped up in a semi-clear plastic bag got me to thinking, "When was the last time we had a yellow pages phone book in the house? And when was the last time I actually used it?

I can't recall the last time I actually flipped through the pages of one of these things, not even here at the radio station. If I need a phone number I'm going to Google and doing a quick search of the business and up pops their number, address and in most cases it'll tell me their hours of operation and if they're open or closed at the moment.

Can the little yellow book do that? I think not.

Needless to say, that little yellow book went to the paper recycling bin.

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