2023 Summer Meal Program Begins May 31st for Kilgore, Texas ISD
For many people the end of the school year is a big relief, one year closer to graduation. But for many people, including parents in Kilgore, Texas, the end of the school year can also bring more pressure as students are able to get free food throughout the school day at no cost. But we are happy to share the details about Kilgore ISD and their summer meal program that will continue to provide healthy meals to kids and young adults who need it.
The details were released by Kilgore News Herald regarding the meals being available beginning on May 31st. Kilgore ISD is just one of the many organizations that work with the Texas Department of Agriculture (TDA) to be able to provide this resource to people who need it. If you’re in the state of Texas an need assistance you’re encourage to call 211 to speak with a live operator, visit SummerFood.org to see where food will be available, or text FOODTX to 877-877.
5 Locations in Kilgore Offering the Summer Meal Program
Throughout the summer there will be 5 different schools that will be offering the free healthy meals. Scroll down just a little bit more to find out the dates and locations where students will be able to get the free meals.
Don’t Be Ashamed to Ask for Help
There isn’t a person in Texas who hasn’t noticed grocery prices going up in recent months, if you’re struggling to keep your kids fed, don’t hesitate to ask for help. That’s what these resources are meant for, let’s make sure no kids are going without a healthy meal.
Here is a look at the schools in Kilgore offering the Summer Meal Program.