There are lots of spooky things to do in Austin,TX for Halloween. They have one of the scariest haunted houses in America. House Of Torment, has been going strong for 17 years. If you like haunted houses this is the way to go.

If you want to keep that Halloween vibe, check out this weekend getaway plan. First you must stay at the Driskill Hotel. If you have the means I highly recommend it, as it is one of the coolest looking old hotels. So even if for one night, check it out, oh and it's freak'in haunted. That's not a joke, most haunted ever in North America. Stay in room 525, and good luck.

I read all about this haunted hotel at the "Museum of the Weird" where I took the pictures for this story on a recent visit. I don't want to giveaway the surprises, but this was a nice detour on 6th Street in Austin. It's weird, but not super scary in anyway, just a little gross. I think anyone could go and have a good time. This place is keeping Austin weird every day. The gift shop is really cool, and has some interesting things if you are looking for souvenirs.


In Austin it's all about the food, and it's so good. There are so many great restaurants, and since you are already on 6th Street, you should go to Easy Tiger. It's one of the most interesting places to eat. Like a speakeasy underground that serves great food. You go down to the basement from the bakery at ground level. Live entertainment in the beer garden out back is a nice surprise. They have two other locations in Austin, Texas.  The one on 6th is a quick walk from any of these other places.

Austin Getaway Ideas - Dan Patrick

If you live in Deep East Texas (Lufkin, Nacogdoches), one of the more exciting destinations nearby is Austin. I say near, but it is up to a 4 (FOUR) hour drive. Going anywhere in Texas is a long way, but this trip across the equator of Texas will cut any weekend getaway plans 8 hours short. That being said It is amazing in Austin. I have friends that live there, and friends that always want to go. I have been so many times, I am sharing some of these ideas.

Going to Austin all the time also means you are super hip, and I use it to keep me sane. I swear it helped me. Driving on I-35 during morning traffic will remind you real fast why you live and work in East Texas. If you did some of these things on your trip to Austin, let me know in the comments, and I'll write more about things to do there.


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