Danny Gallagher
You’ve Been Warned! The Octomom Has Recorded Her First Single
Nadya Suleman has been doing everything she can to remain relevant in the spotlight since she earned her infamous nickname “the Octomom.” She jumped in the boxing ring. She took a twirl on the stripper pole. She even stepped in front of the camera to shoot an adult film. Now she’s back, and instead of assaulting your vision, this time she’s after your ears as well.
Chinese Card Thrower Wants to Break World Record for Cucumber Slicing
This isn’t a still from the newest X-Men movie, it’s the handiwork of a man who hopes to slice a record number of veggies using only a handful of everyday playing cards.
10 Things You Didn’t Know About the Fourth of July
The legend of America’s birth is only 236 years old. However, in that short amount of time, a number of legends that would normally take centuries to grow and multiply in any other civilization have sprung up.
13 Signs Facebook Is Following You a Bit Too Closely
Social technology, like Facebook, might be a great way for people to keep in touch, but it can also just as easily become a massive hindrance.
10 Things You Didn’t Know About Memorial Day
Most of America might look forward to Memorial Day because it gives us a three-day break from our hectic work lives and an excuse to grill great gobs of red meat over an open pit, but it’s intentions are much nobler.
Walmart No Longer Tops Fortune 500 — What Company Does?
Fortune’s annual list of the 500 wealthiest companies didn’t contain many surprises. The biggest surprise, however, wasn’t who made the list but where they made it.
10 Celebrity Moms We Wish We Had
We would never trade our mothers for any other person in the world. That’s because we love them to death, owe them big time for all the love and attention they gave us as children, and would not have become the people we are today without their care and dedication. That’s also because the laws of time, space and physics don’t allow such a thing to be done.
Of course, if such a thing could be done,
Have You Ever Looked at Your Facebook Privacy Settings? 13 Million Users Haven’t
A large number of users haven’t tried to access their privacy settings since they signed up with Facebook.
A new report from Consumer Reports found that 13 million users have failed to do just that, despite Facebook’s attempts to update and strengthen their privacy system and settings.
DogTV Is the New Cable Channel Dogs (and Dog Lovers) Actually Want to Watch
It seems that television is only catering to younger demographics, but one cable channel hopes to tap into a new group of TV enthusiasts by becoming the first network to provide wall-to-wall programming for — wait for it — dogs.
Study Reveals Lots of Parents Use Facebook to Spy on Their Kids
Social media sites like Facebook and Twitter may have eroded levels of privacy by giving people a place to post every facet of their lives and the people around them. However, it’s also given parents a way of doing some sneaky snooping into their children’s lives.
Why Are Kids Playing ‘The Choking Game’?
Kids have always been good at inventing their own playground games.
One game, however, has proven to be quite dangerous for the little guys and gals. It goes by a dozen different names, but it can best be described as the ‘choking game.’
Could ‘The Office’ Reboot Include Booting Some of The Cast?
‘The Office’ might be undergoing some big changes as they move into their ninth season. Assuming they even get a chance to have a ninth season, which isn’t a done deal.
The changes, however, could be much deeper than just a change of scenery. They could come from some of the more famous faces in the show’s cast.