animal welfare

Banned in Texas: 15 Foods You’re Not Allowed to Eat
Banned in Texas: 15 Foods You’re Not Allowed to Eat
Banned in Texas: 15 Foods You’re Not Allowed to Eat
As for me, I appreciate the fact that some of these 'foods' aren't available or are out-and-out banned. In my opinion, some foods are potentially too dangerous and not worth the risk. Others are created or harvested in ways that seem so unethical, that consuming them seems beneath the dignity of otherwise caring, good-hearted people. Again, that's just my opinion.
Important Message from Kilgore, TX Animal Control About Baby Wildlife
Important Message from Kilgore, TX Animal Control About Baby Wildlife
Important Message from Kilgore, TX Animal Control About Baby Wildlife
Kilgore, Texas Animal Control took to their Facebook page recently to share an important reminder and/or message regarding baby wildlife. One of the sweetest parts of springtime is seeing the baby wildlife. Here in East Texas, seeing all of the new life is precious, uplifting, and feels like something straight out of a Disney movie...

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