The average family has ten or eleven devices hooked up to the home Wi-Fi, but most devices can hold a lot more than that. Would you believe it's more than two hundred?
In addition to checking email every six minutes and switching back and forth among thirty applications, we do this 134 times every day at work without even thinking about it. This right-click maneuver is so routine, we really could do it in our sleep.
It's strange to think that many kids have never used a desktop computer because they are accustomed to laptops and tablets. But watching them see an old computer for the first time is absolutely priceless!
A word to the wise, or those who are impatient and in a hurry constantly, namely me ... do not run over your MacBook Pro like I did last night. MacbBooks are excellent machines. They are beautifully designed, come loaded with incredible media software, and they withstand viruses better than the average laptop.
It’s no secret that our children are more adept at using technology than we are, but a new survey by computer security company McAfee suggests their using their skills to be sneaky.
Goodwill has opened a new store called ‘Computer Works’ which is a store that sells recycled computers at very affordable prices. Goodwill is accepting donations of old computers, monitors and printers that they will refurbish and sell in the store. If you’ve got a few old computers gathering dust in your attic or storage building, this is a great time to recycle them and help out Goodwill at the