girl scout cookies

Girl Scout Cookies Are Here!  Where to Get ‘Em in Tyler This Weekend
Girl Scout Cookies Are Here! Where to Get ‘Em in Tyler This Weekend
Girl Scout Cookies Are Here! Where to Get ‘Em in Tyler This Weekend
Raise your hand if you can polish off an entire sleeve of Thin Mints in one sitting.  Or if you tend to suck on the Tagalongs until the cookie part melts in your mouth and mixes perfectly with the chocolate and peanut butter.  And then you eat five more.  Some of us might do those things. Girl Scouts will be at several grocery stores around Tyler and Longview this weekend, with tables set up selli
Stop Selling Cookies
Stop Selling Cookies
Stop Selling Cookies
When Honey Boo Boo changed her Facebook banner recently it included a picture of her with Girl Scout Cookies and a price list.  That picture caught the attention of the Girl Scouts organization, who contacted her and requested her to remove the banner.
Deep Fried Girl Scout Cookies Coming to State Fair of Texas
Deep Fried Girl Scout Cookies Coming to State Fair of Texas
Deep Fried Girl Scout Cookies Coming to State Fair of Texas
I know summer hasn't started yet, but I'm already thinking Fall!  We'll be getting our fill of carnival rides, shows and food!  One of the best parts of a fair is the food - corn dogs, cotton candy, funnel cakes, caramel apples, turkey legs and everything fried!  The State Fair of Texas in Dallas is the best place to find all of your favorite fried concoctions.
Save Your Money! Girl Scout Cookie Sales a Month Away
Save Your Money! Girl Scout Cookie Sales a Month Away
Save Your Money! Girl Scout Cookie Sales a Month Away
It's the time of the year that a most of us look forward to every year -- Girl Scout cookie sales! East Texas girls will soon be selling your favorites outside grocery stores, at the end of driveways, door to door and even at your office! There's a new cool way to track down those little bites of goodness, too.
City Tries To Ban Sale of Girl Scouts Cookies From Front Lawn
City Tries To Ban Sale of Girl Scouts Cookies From Front Lawn
City Tries To Ban Sale of Girl Scouts Cookies From Front Lawn
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Girl Scouts Cut Costs by Axing a Few Cookies
Girl Scouts Cut Costs by Axing a Few Cookies
Girl Scouts Cut Costs by Axing a Few Cookies
Snack fans united in shock and disbelief on Tuesday after The Wall Street Journal reported that the Girl Scouts would be discontinuing a few varieties of their popular cookies. The economy hasn't been kind to the cookie business over the past couple of years, organization reps explained to the paper, and a few flavors had to go.
Girl Scout Cookies New Packaging
Girl Scout Cookies New Packaging
Girl Scout Cookies New Packaging
It's Girl Scout Cookie time again!  This year the Girl Scout's will be trying out new packaging on some of their cookies with the hopes that consumers will be receptive to it.  If they are, the Girl Scouts will roll out the new packaging to all the cookies next year.  Part of the story from