
Like A Scene From ‘Back To The Future’, A Moving Truck Was Hit By A Bolt Of Lightning [VIDEO]
Like A Scene From ‘Back To The Future’, A Moving Truck Was Hit By A Bolt Of Lightning [VIDEO]
Like A Scene From ‘Back To The Future’, A Moving Truck Was Hit By A Bolt Of Lightning [VIDEO]
In the movie "Back To The Future", Doc was trying to get 1.21 gigawatts of energy into the Flux Capacitor in the DeLorean to give him enough power to get back to the future. Fortunately for him he knew when and where there was going to be a lightning strike. Now, had the couple in the truck in this video known that they were going to be struck by lightning, they could have potentially go
Lightning Strike Sends Texas Rangers for Cover [VIDEO]
Lightning Strike Sends Texas Rangers for Cover [VIDEO]
Lightning Strike Sends Texas Rangers for Cover [VIDEO]
It was the top of the fourth inning last night at Rangers Ballpark in Arlington as the Texas Rangers were taking on the Minnesota Twins when a loud clap of thunder and bolt of lightning sent players scrambling to the dugout. The lightning obviously hit very close to the stadium. You can see the interference it caused to the television signal — the cameras even shook from the force of the thunder.

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