In January, adults 65 and older began receiving the vaccine and it's made a huge difference. And now, the circle of those who are eligible is about to expand.
Yes, there was an announcement that beginning March 15, all Texas residents over the age of 50, educators, and childcare workers can freely roam about the cabin and get their vaccine. They're being called the "1C" people. But hey, us "1D thru Z" young'ns under 50 are still over here chomping at the bit. We are getting impatient!
My dad has been fully vaccinated and my mom will get her second dose next week. For them, there is one clear-cut benefit of the COVID-19 vaccine that outweighs all the rest.
Major news for East Texans seeking to get a COVID-19 Vaccination shot as CHRISTUS Good Shepherd Health System has been named a COVID-19 Vaccination Hub by the State of Texas to serve Gregg County.
While the rollout for the COVID-19 vaccine continues to trickle into East Texas, free testing for the virus is still ongoing in locations in Tyler and Palestine.