Big Al booked Vanilla Ice to perform at his bar, The MAT in Dallas, for Kellie Rasberry's big annual birthday party! As part of the booking he arranged for him to come in to the studio to be on the air with the show. What resulted was greatness!
Vanilla Ice was arrested and charged for stealing furniture, a pool heater, bicycles and other items from a vacant home in Florida. What a day today has been!
It's been years since the magical words "go ninja, go" have been uttered, but Vanilla Ice has given them new life in a Kraft Macaroni and Cheese commercial.
I love mash-ups they make Mondays better. The first one I encountered was "Boulevard of Broken Songs". I was driving in Dallas listening to KISS FM, and I was hooked.
For a guy who has often been mocked in the 20-plus years since ‘Ice Ice Baby,’ Vanilla Ice has a good sense of humor. Ice stars in a new comedic video in which he pretends to move to the L.A. neighborhood of Echo Park to try to win over hipsters with his reinvented indie rock sound.