The holiday season in Lufkin is really ramping up today with a visit from a tree bound for the U.S. Capital. It was in San Antonio over the weekend, and it will be here today/Monday  (Nov 18th 2019) for one hour only. From 11:30am - 12:30pm. It will be stationed at 113 S 1st St, in downtown Lufkin.

The 2019 U.S.Capitol Christmas Tree Tour will visit 30 communities during it's trek from the Carson National Forest. Here today, and tonight it will be in Monroe, LA

The Carson National Forest, in partnership with the New Mexico Tourism Department and nonprofit organization Choose Outdoors, will bring the U.S. Capitol Christmas Tree from New Mexico to Washington, D.C. by way of a cross-country tour involving more than 25 communities along the way. Join us as the tree makes a special stop in Lufkin, Texas on November 18th. Well-wishers will have a chance to sign banners on the sides of the truck, learn more about the Carson National Forest and the great state of New Mexico, purchase U.S. Capitol Christmas Tree merchandise and more.

During a recent minor detour to Georgetown, Texas, near 2,000 people came out to see the tree down town. It was one of their biggest crowds ever, and we are hoping to beat that today.

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