Want To Have A Better Day? Just Make Your Dang Bed [VIDEO]
This morning was "wash the sheets" day. Ah yes, the fun and glamorous domestic task that it is. Certainly, when I was replacing the now clean sheets and putting the bed back together, I didn't think this was the kind of thing that would change the course of my day.
However, when it was done--I felt good. I felt a bit ridiculous about how good it made me feel. But then, I recalled how many times in the past I have done this same chore and it always makes me feel better. Furthermore, I have started noticing that on the days where I simply just make my dang bed, even THAT gives me more energy going into the day. But why? That's when I ran across a commencement speech I've seen before on YouTube. I watched it again and remembered why I loved it so much.
The title? "Change the World by Making Your Bed."
At first glance this might seem like a stretch. Perhaps, it may seem so--but not if you ask Admiral William H. McRaven, the ninth commander of the U.S.Special Operations Command, Texas Exes Life Member, and Distinguished Alumnus. This guy has been through challenges I could never even imagine. I believe him.
Do yourself a favor: Watch this 7-minute video and be inspired. Seriously. This is one of the best things on the internet.
You want a better day? Make the bed. And you may not just have a better day, you may change the world...or at least get started on the right path to do so.
Credit: Goalcast