From Austin, TX, all the way to Abilene, we Texans sure do love a cold beer. But when it comes to hard liquor, you may be surprised to learn which spirit is our favoritet.

Without Googling it, you probably couldn't guess the number of craft breweries we have in The Lone Star State. There are too many. So, it's not a surprise to learn that beer reigns supreme when it comes to winding down here, but what's our go-to spirit?

What's Texas' favorite spirit?

That's where The folks at Toast come in. They wanted to better understand alcohol trends in the U.S. They concluded that the best way to do it was to "analyze how the popularity of select drinks and spirits varied for restaurants from state to state."

Then when they took into account the "sale of beer, wine, cider, hard seltzer, and spirits: vodka, tequila, whiskey, gin, rum, and brandy," they found some very interesting trends.

According to the findings, vodka is the most popular spirit in most states. However, Toast's data shows that tequila is more popular than ever across the board. In fact, in several states, tequila is now the most popular. And that includes here in Texas.

"It’s no surprise that tequila has heavily influenced states along the Mexican border. Texas was the highest consumer of tequila per restaurant location, drinking 119% more tequila than the average for diners at restaurants in other states."

Their findings also say that in addition to tequila being the most popular spirit here in Texas, it is also the most popular in Arizona, California, Colorado, Georgia, Hawaii, Louisiana, New Mexico, and Utah. Meanwhile, whiskey is most popular in West Virginia, Wyoming, Indiana, Kansas, and Kentucky.

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