This type of debate only happens in East Texas, where people are actually voicing their opinions online about wanting to be able to tip employees that give great customer service. Just another reason why we should love living here, we have great friends and neighbors who for the most part look out for each other. This topic was brought up in a online group in Kilgore and lots of people agreed, that it's time for grocery stores to allow their employees to accept a tip without it costing them their jobs.

While many big box stores are moving to more self-checkouts we still have tremendous grocery stores here in East Texas that will offer and almost insist on sending an employee with you to help you load your items into your vehicle. This is just part of the customer service they offer to entice you to come back. The unfortunate part is that these employees cannot accept a tip if offered by a customer they are helping.

Some Grocery Stores Will Terminate an Employee for Accepting a Tip

It's very nice that these stores want to offer that great customer service but if it's 100 degrees outside or pouring down rain and these employees are still helping customers it should be acceptable for them to receive a tip. Obviously, that is just my opinion but it seems that many people feel that same way.

While They Cannot Accept Tips For Now, Remember to Be Kind

Hopefully, this rule changes soon but for now remember that these employees are putting in long hours trying to give the best service possible. Even if they cannot accept a tip just remember to be respectful and saying thank you still goes a long way.

East Texas' Top 16 Craziest, Busiest, Hardest-to-Park-in Parking Lots

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