87th Texas Legislature

Alcohol To-Go One Step Closer To Being Permanent In Texas
Alcohol To-Go One Step Closer To Being Permanent In Texas
Alcohol To-Go One Step Closer To Being Permanent In Texas
There has been a lot of bad associated with the coronavirus pandemic. Bad decisions, bad rules, lost jobs, lost freedom, lost and sick family members. But there have been some ideas and decisions made due to the coronavirus that have actually been pretty good...
Alcohol To-Go Could Become Law In Texas
Alcohol To-Go Could Become Law In Texas
Alcohol To-Go Could Become Law In Texas
There haven't been many silver linings for bars and restaurants during the coronavirus pandemic. Many have ended up closing throughout the State of Texas and even here in Lubbock we have seen our fair share of closings. But alcohol to-go might just be that one issue that the industry points to as a success story in 2020 and 2021...