
East Texas Dairy Queens Master the Fall Flavors
East Texas Dairy Queens Master the Fall Flavors
East Texas Dairy Queens Master the Fall Flavors
If you're already growing tired of the lattes, how about churning some of that pumpkin spice flavor into some ice cream? Dairy Queen has five new Blizzard flavors this month and that makes five reasons why DQ is winning the fall flavor battle.
Miracle Treat Day Is Today
Miracle Treat Day Is Today
Miracle Treat Day Is Today
East Texans love their children AND East Texans love DQ Blizzard's! Chill out with a Dairy Queen Blizzard and help East Texas children at the same time on Miracle Treat Day!
I Am Obsessed With the DQ Confetti Cake Blizzard
I Am Obsessed With the DQ Confetti Cake Blizzard
I Am Obsessed With the DQ Confetti Cake Blizzard
While watching TV this weekend, I saw a new commercial for Dairy Queen's Blizzard. Now, I've been a fan of the Blizzard for a long time and hadn't had one in a while until I saw their new flavor of the month (which I hope will be around for more than a month!) and everything changed.