star trek

Zachary Quinto Says There Are ‘No Guarantees’ We’ll Get a ‘Star Trek 4’
Zachary Quinto Says There Are ‘No Guarantees’ We’ll Get a ‘Star Trek 4’
Zachary Quinto Says There Are ‘No Guarantees’ We’ll Get a ‘Star Trek 4’
Despite being supported by a blindingly charismatic cast and some of the best action directors in the business, Paramount’s Star Trek franchise has somewhat been an exercise in diminishing returns after 2009’s big screen reboot. Last year’s Star Trek Beyond may have captured some of the fun of a standalone episode of the series, but it was a surprising disappointment with audiences: the film’s $158 million gross was nearly $100 million less than the first entry in the series and failed to break even on the studios $185 million investment. Those are the kind of numbers that make a studio think long and hard about investing in a sequel.
CBS ‘Star Trek: Discovery’ May Not Premiere Until Fall
CBS ‘Star Trek: Discovery’ May Not Premiere Until Fall
CBS ‘Star Trek: Discovery’ May Not Premiere Until Fall
The exit of showrunner Bryan Fuller understandably delayed CBS’ Star Trek: Discovery from its initial January 2017 premiere, but recent reports suggested there was no guarantee for its May rescheduling, either. Now, CBS reveals the series could be delayed as far back as fall, but definitely further than May.
‘Star Trek: Discovery’ Klingons Might Look Completely Different
‘Star Trek: Discovery’ Klingons Might Look Completely Different
‘Star Trek: Discovery’ Klingons Might Look Completely Different
The unveiling of Klingons in Star Trek Into Darkness gave further indication of how modern Trek might expand upon classic alien designs, so might CBS’ upcoming Star Trek: Discovery do the same? An apparent leak from the set purports to show Klingons looking very different than we’re used to, potentially shaking up continuity in the process.
Ongoing Legal Battle Between Paramount, ‘Star Trek’ Fans Reaches Thrilling Conclusion
Ongoing Legal Battle Between Paramount, ‘Star Trek’ Fans Reaches Thrilling Conclusion
Ongoing Legal Battle Between Paramount, ‘Star Trek’ Fans Reaches Thrilling Conclusion
When we last checked in with the evolving lawsuit that Paramount and CBS filed against the creators of Star Trek fan film Axanar, things weren’t looking so hot for DIY producer Alec Peters. In a ruling chockablock with Trek puns, the judge declared that a jury of Peters’ peers would be responsible for determining whether his film infringed upon Paramount’s legal copyrights in terms of actual people, places, and things (“objective substantial similarity”) as well as overall spirit and feel of the Star Trek franchise (“subjective substantial similarity”). I’m no legal professional, but even this layman could see pretty plainly that Peters’ ass was legal grass, and Paramount was preparing to mow it.
CBS and Paramount Put Judicial Vulcan Death Grip on ‘Star Trek’ Fan Film
CBS and Paramount Put Judicial Vulcan Death Grip on ‘Star Trek’ Fan Film
CBS and Paramount Put Judicial Vulcan Death Grip on ‘Star Trek’ Fan Film
The latest chapter in the ongoing saga of CBS and Paramount’s efforts to sue the Spock ears off of the producers of Star Trek fan film Axanar continues today, with a new development from the Los Angeles federal court system. This hullabaloo began back in December of 2015, when copyright-holding studios CBS and Paramount got wind that a fellow by the name of Alec Peters had raised nearly a million dollars (that figure is now well over a million) for an independent film project taking place in the Star Trek universe. Because studio executives did not remember selling the creative rights to Mr. Peters, they did the reasonable thing and hauled him into court, claiming the man had infringed on ‘thousands’ of copyrights. In March, Paramount tightened their case up, specifically naming the most heinous violations contained within Axanar, and come June, Paramount released a list of 10 guidelines that fan enthusiasts crafting their own homemade spinoffs can follow to avoid legal action.

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