Remember that executive order Governor Abbott issued Wednesday?

That order has caused quite a stir, especially with the Department Of Justice.

Reportedly, The Department Of Justice argues that the order violated the supremacy clause of the U.S. Constitution, and based on that interpretation, they now are suing the State of Texas and Governor Greg Abbott.

Abbott's executive order states that "state troopers will pull over vehicles suspected of carrying migrants on the basis that they could be spreading COVID-19."

According to the lawsuit, The Department Of Justice argues that "the order jeopardizes the health and safety of non-citizens in federal custody, and will put law-enforcement personnel and their families at risk of getting COVID-19".

KSAT reports that Governor Abbott responded to the lawsuit by saying:

“I have the authority, and duty, under the constitutions of the United States and of Texas to protect Texans and our nation. I also have the authority under long-established emergency response laws to control the movement of people to better contain the spread of a disaster, such as those known to have COVID-19.”

A copy of the lawsuit issued in court in the United States District Court for the Western District of Texas-El Paso division here.

What's your opinion on this?

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