1 Million Free Snickers if Halloween Date is Changed
As of now, there are 130,000 people who believe the date of Halloween needs to change. What do we win by changing the date? One million Snickers bars! Mars Inc the American Candy company that owns Snickers is endorsing the Halloween date change.
Halloween traditionally falls on October 31, but a growing Change.org petition is begging the federal government to change that. The petition was started by the Halloween & Costume Association. The thought is why cram everything into one night when we can celebrate Halloween all day! They cite safety concerns about families trick-or-treating late in the evening. Personally, I would be happy to not have to deal with people and have my dog losing her mind every time the doorbell rings.
We don't know if this petition will convince the government to change the date for Halloween. The promise of free Snickers has many of us hoping the government makes changes. If you want to sign the petition you can sign by clicking here.
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