Uvalde school police chief Pete Arredondo and another former officer have both been indicted on charges of child endangerment for their inaction during the Robb Elementary School shooting. The charges come over two years after a lone gunman killed two teachers and 19 4th graders on May 24, 2022.

Officers on the scene that day waited 77 minutes before confronting the gunman, who was eventually shot and killed by a Border Patrol officer. Horrific footage from the elementary school security cameras proved to be invaluable.

The footage in the video below is graphic and unsuitable for all viewers. Please use caution before proceeding.

Family members of those lost in the tragic shooting have been waiting for justice, and this is just one step in that direction. They've reached a $2 million settlement with the city and also filed a lawsuit against the company that manufactured the gun used by the shooter, Daniel Defense, Meta (Facebook), and Activision.

So far, it's unclear if any other officers will be charged for abandonment and endangering children. State troopers were the first to arrive on the scene, before local officers.

There are legal protections to help prevent police from incurring criminal charges, and legal experts believe it will be difficult to prove beyond a doubt that the officers' failure to take action resulted in harm to the students and faculty.

To read more about this story, click here.

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