Phillip Phillips got great news on last night’s (May 17) ‘American Idol.’ He is a finalist, going up against Jessica Sanchez next week for the title from Season 11. However, the artsy and uber talented singer / guitarist, beloved by the ladies, is also faced with some bad news, too. His doctor is urging him to get emergency surgery. But Phillips is bravely (and riskily) putting it off until after the finale.

Quick, somebody (that mean’s YOU, American voting audience)  give this man the title of ‘American Idol!’ With that type of talent and dedication, how can he not win?

The singer has suffered from kidney problems and made headlines earlier this season with a hospitalization. He even had a stent inserted as a temporary solution until he had time for surgery.

Several sources told TMZ that when the singer returned to his native Georgia last Saturday (May 12) to film his at home segments for the show, his family doctor was alarmed by what he witnessed. Phillips looked awful and was not eating right. The condition appears to have worsened and surgery is a must. Recovery time runs about six weeks, but Phillips will not drop out of the competition at this point and promised to hit the operating room after next week’s finale.

He has, however, skipped some promo shoots that were on location — producers felt it was too taxing for him so he was allowed to nix them.

The singer’s medications also reportedly cause him to have a dry mouth which may or may not affect how he sings. We’re thinking “not” since he was upstreamed each week. If anything, the kidney problem could cause him to earn some sympathy votes but he doesn’t need them. He’s that good.

Watch Phillip Phillips Perform ‘We’ve Got Tonight’ on ‘American Idol’

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