CBS is working on a Silence of the Lambs sequel series Clarice, centered around the character of FBI agent Clarice Starling. According to Deadline, the show will be helmed by Alex Kurtzman (Star Trek) and Jenny Lumet (Rachel Getting Married). While the pilot episode has yet to be filmed, a writers room has already been set up for the show. So yeah, that’s a pretty good bet Clarice will be moving to series.

Fans of Hannibal shouldn’t hold their breath — there’s no mention of the cannibalistic serial killer in the new show. Rather, the show creators are more focused on telling Clarice’s story. “After more than 20 years of silence, we’re privileged to give voice to one of America’s most enduring heroes – Clarice Starling,” said Kurtzman and Lumet. “Clarice’s bravery and complexity have always lit the way, even as her personal story remained in the dark. But hers is the very story we need today: her struggle, her resilience, her victory. Her time is now, and always.”

While NBC’s Hannibal operated as a prequel to Silence of the Lambs, Clarice will take place one year after the events of the 1991 film. Without the inclusion of the divisive Hannibal Lecter, it will be interesting to see how Clarice will set itself apart from the majority of crime dramas on television right now. The new series won’t be following any source material, so the verdict is out in which direction Clarice will take us in.

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