Do Not Stop At Any of These Dangerous Texas Truck Stops
If you're traveling across Texas you're in for a long haul. But with cargo theft spiking across the country, a viral post on Reddit claims that there are several truck stops you'll want to avoid no matter how bad you need to pee-pee.
This is just some good information to have in your back pocket when hitting the open Texas road, there isn't always a Buc-ee's waiting for you everywhere you stop, well, for now at least.
The original poster of this list called "Do Not Stop": a list of truck stops to avoid if you have a high-value load," is Boing Boing. While this is certainly more of a guideline for long-haul truck drivers, I don't want to stop with my family at places where sketchy things are regularly known to happen.
Here is what a few Reddit commenters had to say about the list:
"It's for theft (organized theft) of High-Value Loads, like a trailer full of cigarette cartons," one explained. "Sometimes the theft starts with a corrupt employee at the weigh stations who ask 'what's in the load.' Smart drivers tell them it's 'sealed,' or 'not your concern' if they feel froggy."
For the ones I’ve been to on the list, I can definitely see why they are listed. Mostly though this list is for high-value loads where organized crime does stings to steal the load. It’s not for someone breaking into your truck to steal the tablet. It’s for people stealing a truckload of cigarettes or the like.
Places notorious for organized crime? That's gonna be a "no" from me dawg.