East Texas High Schools Named as Targets in Shooting Threat
Sunday night messages went out to parents from East Texas High Schools who had been made aware of shooting threat to their campuses on Monday.
According to KETK, there were five schools threatened including, Overton, Henderson, West Rusk, Chapel Hill, and Kilgore. Classes will be in session on Monday.
Overton ISD Shared the following messages to social media:
"Overton Independent School District
March 31, 2019
Overton Independent School District has been made aware of an Instagram post made on Saturday that makes a threat against the district.
While the nature of the social media post does not appear to be of a credible nature, OISD will be instituting enhanced security measures including more Overton Police Officers on campus and intensive monitoring of security cameras as well as employing our security protocols to ensure the safety of students and employees.
Law enforcement is actively seeking the source of the original Instagram and the public will be updated as appropriate.
We ask for the patience of everyone effected by the increased security as there will likely be some delays on and around campus due to the additional measures being taken.
At this time we are anticipating normal hours for all campuses and buses will run as scheduled.
Stephen DuBose
Overton ISD"
"All OISD students will have lunch in the cafeteria on Monday. There will be no open campus at the high school. Students may bring a sack lunch or eat the cafeteria prepared food.
Middle School students will report to the Middle School gym as soon as they arrive on campus. No exceptions."
High School students will report to the High School gym as soon as they arrive. No exceptions."
Henderson High School shared this message on Facebook:
"The following message has been send out via School Messenger...
Henderson I.S.D. Parents and Staff,
Henderson I.S.D. has been made aware of a social media threat against some area school districts including Henderson.
Authorities have been notified and law enforcement will be on all campuses as a precaution in the morning."
The Rusk County Sheriff's office shared this message:
"We want to thank everyone for the calls about the POST on social media! We are working with all the schools and will have extra officers at and around the schools tomorrow! Department of Public Safety will also be at all the schools along with us! Thank you again for calling and making sure we are aware of the social media post!"
The Henderson Police Department also commented on their Facebook page:
"The Henderson Police Department has received information of threats made to some of our area schools on social media. The schools named in the online threat were West Rusk, Overton, Kilgore, Henderson and Chapel Hill. Law Enforcement is aware of the threats and is actively working to resolve this situation. We will post updates when available and possible. The safety of our children and school staff are of the utmost importance to us."