You’ve all seen the commercials for eHarmony and other matchmaking sites. You go to their site and fill out profile information, and Cupid will use its arrows to find you a match. Well United Way Smith County has set up their own form of a matchmaking service, but not in a way you may think.

When it comes to matching nonprofit agencies with volunteers, East Texas has its own version of Cupid -her name is Nan. Nan Moore, president of United Way Smith County, version of a bow and arrow is a new web service called Get Connected East Texas. It connects volunteers in the area to organizations that they may not know are out there.

“Think of it as a dating service between nonprofit organizations and individuals in the community who like to get involved in something they believe in or that interests them,” Moore says in an announcement. “If we can tell the story of an agency and get people passionate about what that agency does, tell them about the success they are having, then we get people engaged.”

Volunteers will be able to create a profile and express their interests and look for different organizations that match their interests. These organizations will also get to use Get Connected East Texas as a stepping stone by using blogs, pictures, event calendars and be able to communicate using different social media sites. Dozens of local organizations have already created their pages and many more are expected to join soon. You will be able to access Get Connected East Texas through the United Way of Smith County web site. Jo McMahan, director of the Nonprofit Development Center, says the service is scheduled to be up and running later this week.


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