Does Justin Bieber ever get tired? On the heels of a massive overseas touring stint and before he starts the U.S. leg of his lengthy Believe tour, JB has announced a new single, which will undoubtedly bring with it more promotional appearances and touring. Does this kid sleep?!

The Biebs announced his new single titled 'Heartbreaker' on his Instagram page, with teaser messages like, "Don't tell me your my.... #justinbieber#heartbreaker." He finally confirmed suspicions posting, "Heartbreaker #Justinbiebernewsingle." The artwork for his newest song is slightly reminiscent of Kanye West's 2008 album '808s & Heartbreak,' with a lone purple heart that looks very disheveled. Great minds think alike we guess?

Could this be the lead single from his "music journals"? Back in April, Bieber's manager Scooter Braun told MTV News that Justin had been writing one or two songs each day while he was out on tour. He said, "We started calling it his 'music journal' and we're talking about what should come next musically. And I think creatively he just wants to share all his thoughts through music."

Braun tweeted last week he had received a tracklisting of the first music journal. So does this mean there will be more than one installment of Bieber's inner-most thoughts?

Will 'Heartbreaker' be Justin's journal on his break-up with his lady love Selena Gomez? All signs are pointing to 'yes.'

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