Kellie Rasberry’s Dog With An Ironic Name
Yes, it can be harmful to feed your dog a lot sugar and especially chocolate.
In today's edition of The Kidd Kraddick Morning Show Daily News Producer Nick discovers where all the Skittles have quickly been disappearing to. While taking a break to sit down with the kids to watch cartoons, he gave them a snack pack size of Skittles and quickly learned how the Skittles were disappearing so quickly.
Once he reveal's how they're disappearing it leads the show down a quick discussion on which colored Skittles is the best!
Then Kellie tells the story of a time years ago that her mom was unaware that feeding your dog chocolate could be detrimental to their health. She revealed that her little dogs' favorite treat was the Tootsie Roll Bite. After discovering the potential hazard and taking her to the veterinarian because she wouldn't get up from the floor. Thankfully she recovered, but this dog had a pretty ironic name to it.
Then Big Al tells us about his run in with the local police chief in his town while at the tire shop and they begin talking crime and overhears a conversation between the chief and one of his officers.
The take away from today's newscast, don't feed chocolate to your dog!
Listen to "KKMS News Update- An Adorable Miscommunication" on Spreaker.