Lady Gaga has announced the upcoming release of a new documentary, Gaga: Five Foot Two. The film will be released via Netflix, and promises to bring the larger-than-life singer down to a more realistic size.

The film claims to be a highly intimate look at the singer's recent years, though she hasn't seen it herself for fear of compromising its honestly.

"I have seen a few short clips of the documentary but I decided not to watch it all the way through—or most of it, for that matter—because I can't be objective about myself," Gaga said.

While Lady Gaga is known for her bombastic fanfare and unapologetic fierceness, the clips she has released of Five Foot Two are much more stripped down. One watches an almost indiscernible shape rise out of a pool of water as we hear her speak of the utter loneliness she lives.

"I'm alone, every night," Gaga says. "And all these people will leave, right? They will leave, and then I'll be alone. And I go from everyone touching me all day and talking at me all day to total silence."

Another clip features the Bulgarian folk song "Kaval Sviri" while Gaga quietly ascends upwards in a wire getup, rehearsing for her Super Bowl halftime show. The moment is dramatic, and a little frightening. You get the sense of the real pressure and fear that the singer must have felt, not just the shock and awe of the spectacle as it aired during the game.

In other moments, Gaga is in a doctor's office to deal with chronic pain. The documentary will also feature looks behind the recording process of Joanne, one of Gaga's most hotly debated albums, preparing for the Super Bowl, mental health issues and dealing with her split from ex-fiance Taylor Kinney.

In an interview with E! News, director Chris Moukarbel said "I had a rare opportunity to create a portrait of an artist with such an open heart and mind. I feel really lucky that Gaga trusted me and my vision."

Watch Lady Gaga's trailers for Gaga: Five Foot Two below via Instagram. The documentary will premiere on September 22 on Netflix.

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