Texas Dental Office is a Dream Come True for Kids
Geez I'd be begging to go to the dentist if they had this when I was a kid.
Back in my day, we just didn't have things to do. We got bored. A lot. But this led to drawing, learning instruments, making up games to play outside, writing, and all sorts of creative stuff. It seems like the thinking these days is to have the kids stimulated 24/7, which is what's led to this crazy dental office in El Paso, Texas.

As you can see for yourself in the video at the bottom of this article, this thing is a kid's paradise.
TV's everywhere
I wish every dental office did this one. I love a chatty dentist's assistant when I'm getting my teeth cleaned, but I can't answer back. Your hands are in my mouth. Just pop a TV on for me and let's watch Rock of Love. Is that still on?
Choo Choo
Ok ok, a little plastic train, jungle gym, and playroom. This is pretty neat, nothing too crazy yet.
Interactive Sound Wall
Not sure what this is, but it... sounds... fun. *cough*
Arcade and Movie Theater
Ok, this is getting a little nuts. A full arcade?! A movie theater. How long is the wait? Surely that's as crazy as it gets, right?
A freakin' carousel?!?!
What in the name of all that is holy? That is crazy!
Ice cream? That's pure sugar! What a dumb idea that's just going to give kids more cavities and they'll just have to come right back to the dentist! Oh. Oh wow. Genius.
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