Texans may think that when it comes to luck, we are pretty lucky. I mean, we live in Texas and those of us who were born in Texas consider that to be very lucky, at least most of us do.

But according to some new research, Texans aren't all that lucky after all. But who decided who is lucky and what issues did they look at to determine when luck was at play?

The people at GamblingSites.com are the ones who did the research and they ranked states based on lottery wins, life expectancy, crime levels, natural disasters, and car accidents.

Texas Is Not A Lucky State

According to GamblingSites.com, Texas is considered the 16th unluckiest state in America, or the 34th luckiest state depending on how you want to look at things. Which I guess isn't too bad since that means we aren't in the top 10 of unlucky states.

By the way, Mississippi is the unluckiest state in America. The luckiest? New Hampshire. In fact, when you look at the luckiest states, they are all concentrated (except for Wisconsin) in the Northeast. I'm going to say they benefitted from a lack of natural disasters. Most of the unlucky states are in the south. Hello tornado alley?

Oddly enough, Nevada, home of Las Vegas was not on the lucky or unlucky list. Instead, Nevada ranked $24 overall.

Get the complete list here.

Texas Police Codes with Descriptions

Ever wondered what police officers were saying to each other in their secret language? Well, not anymore! Here is the full list of all police codes used by Texas DPS, according to The RadioReference Wiki.

Gallery Credit: Nick

Texans Warned "Do Not Travel" To These Locations

If you are looking at going on vacation any time soon, these are the places that you should absolutely avoid traveling to according to the US State Department

Gallery Credit: Chad Hasty

Top 10 Healthiest Counties in Texas

These are the most healthiest counties in the Lone Star State, according to Niche.com.

Gallery Credit: Nick


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