Texas Lands Three Cities On The Top 5 Festive Cities In U.S. List

As Thanksgiving and Christmas approach, more and more East Texans are getting ready to celebrate the holidays. Just this past weekend my wife suggested we put up the Christmas tree, so being the husband I am I had the tree and decorations out of the attic within an hour and was ready for the transformation to begin! After a while of working on it with my wife, the inside of our house was transformed. The outside is a different story.
Besides decorating the inside of our homes, another way Texans show their spirit for Christmas is by decorating the outside of their homes with lights, yard art, and inflatables. When it comes to being festive, a new study reveals that Texans are extremely festive. So much so that Texas has three cities appearing in the top five of the 'most festive' cities in the U.S.
I will eventually get around to decorating the outside of my house with lights, but right now a giant six-and-a-half-foot turkey holding a 'Happy Thanksgiving' banner is sitting and guarding my yard! The front yard transformation from Thanksgiving to Christmas will begin Black Friday at my house when the lights and the Santa, snowman and reindeer inflatables get put out. I really take pride when it comes to decorating the outside of my house, it's something I enjoy doing and apparently, I'm not alone.
According to a survey conducted by Thumbtack, it revealed that Austin, Dallas/Ft. Worth and Houston are among the most festive cities in the U.S. when it comes to outdoor decorating and place in their top five cities. The survey came to the conclusion after analyzing data from their website of people looking to book projects through their site. Projects like installing outdoor lights and yard decorations. Many East Texas companies that install lights are pretty much booked solid right now.
Here's a look at Thumbtack's top 10 most festive cities:
1. Austin, Texas
2. Dallas Ft. Worth, Texas
3. Seattle, Washington
4. Houston, Texas
5. Denver, Colorado
6. Phoenix, Arizona
7. Atlanta, Georgia
8. San Francisco, California
9. Kansas City, Missouri
10. San Antonio, Texas
When you've got the outside of your house all decorated, you can send us a pic of it and be qualified to win a $500 Visa gift card too! If you're decorating your home by yourself, be safe and make sure that the ladder is sturdy and the pitch of the roof isn't too steep that you'll slide off.
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