The weather in Texas is always unpredictable, and sometimes deadly. All December long, kids were wearing jackets to school in the morning and walking home with them around their waists.

Now the actual cold part of winter in Texas is here with the jackets being replaced by coats, which are sometimes even staying on in the house. We are at nature's whim, but people from Northern states in the U.S. think we are a little soft.

I would ask any of them to come on down and enjoy Dallas at 111 degrees in August and 0 degrees during a black ice storm in January. There just isn't much you can do except melt or freeze.

Winter In Texas Is Different Because Of The Extreme Heat Of Summer

According to MySanAntoinio a National Weather Service meteorologist recently went viral showing off his automatic hurricane-ready home. It shows that in Texas, your house has to withstand so many weather situations, sometimes within days of each other:

  • Floods
  • Tornados
  • Hurricanes
  • 110+ Degree Heat
  • -20+ Degree Cold
  • Blackouts During Extreme Weather

Take It Easy On Texans About The Weather Until You've Lived It

We aren't soft in Texas, the climate is just coming at us hard-core. Houses over 50 years old are not built to take on any of these conditions.

Keep Reading: Top 10 Snacks Unique To Texas 

We get very few days of "Perfect" 72-degree weather in most parts of the state. When we do they are glorious and we all flock to outside activities and soak up that free vitamin D.

Read More: Find The Key To Making Healthy Choices At Buc-ee's

Hopefully, you can use some of this as ammo to clap back at those online trolls from out of state.

Signs of a Bad Winter According to Weather Folklore

Gallery Credit: Mary K

Texas DPS Tips for Driving in Winter Weather Conditions

Here are some tips from the Texas Department of Public Safety to help keep people safe when driving in the winter.

Gallery Credit: Billy Jenkins

Winter Weather Life Hacks for Your Vehicle

Health Tips is an invaluable Facebook page loaded up with exactly what its name indicates. They also have some pretty nice life hacks for weather-proofing your vehicle when Old Man Winter gets an attitude.

Gallery Credit: Dave Spencer






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