The Most Popular Valentine’s Candy By State
With Valentine's Day on the way, those wishing to express their feelings to someone else can do it through a card, a romantic dinner, flowers, candy, jewelry, stuffed animals and so many other ways. There will be those that will do all the previously mentioned and those that will be more practical and give just a card and some candy. The National Retail Federation reports that American's will spend $18.2 billion on Valentine's Day this year and of that, $1.7 billion will be spent on candy for those special people in our lives. Spending this year is expected to be down from last years' $19.7 billion. With so much candy being sold for Valentine's Day, which candy is the most popular by state? released an interactive map depicting which candy rules the states!
Coming in first place across the nation for years was the traditional heart shaped box of chocolates, but in the last few years, that box of chocolates has been replaced by the little sugary conversation hearts. looked at sales transactions from the past ten years and found that the box of chocolates is losing some ground.
- Texans still prefer to give that heart shaped box of chocolates over any other candy.
- Louisiana seems to be hip with the trend of giving conversation hearts!
- Arkansas lovers give each other Hershey Kisses!
Since gifting will be a big part of Valentine's Day, the National Retail Federation conducted a survey and found that this year consumers plan to spend around $85 on their significant other along with another $27 on children and family members and between $4 and $7 on pets, co-workers and classmates!