Toys R Us’ Days Are Literally Numbered In Tyler + Longview
Geoffrey the Giraffe's face will be seen for about another week in East Texas and then his Toys R Us home will be closed permanently.
The days of running through the aisles of the once toy giant are numbered. As of this posting on Tuesday, June 18th there are only:
- 8 days left for Toys R Us in Tyler
- 11 days left for Toys R Us in Longview
Walking through the store that used to fill children's imaginations thanks to playful dolls, racing cars, bikes, board games, electronic and video games and so much more will soon be closing their doors for good. Nothing inside Toys R Us resembles the store that I grew up on or the store that I waited in front of during several unbelievable Black Friday sales at 4 a.m.!
I happened to stop by the Tyler store on Loop 323 Monday afternoon just to give a look around and see what all was remaining. The signs on the outside of the building scream up to 70% off in bold black letters with a yellow background along with the fixtures for sale and honestly there's not much left inside the store at all. There are a lot of those Pie face Sky High games, along with some other random board games, but if you're looking for a game like Monopoly, Sorry or Trouble, well, you're going to have trouble, because those kind of games are long gone!
Barren shelves litter the store that has been cordoned off with caution tape as employees continue to push the remaining inventory to the front of the store and display it all on about four shelves. When I say there is nothing in this store, there is almost nothing left.
This is one store that I'm going to miss and I'll miss the big toy catalog that used to come in the mail right after Halloween advertising nearly every toy in the store for Christmas wish lists - even as an adult!
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