What She Wants For Christmas Is…
When it comes to your wife, girlfriend or even your mom, finding that perfect gift can be a challenge. Thankfully though there's one thing that satisfies two-thirds of women when it comes to the one thing they want the most this Christmas.
In a recent survey of more than 2000 women, the 'SheSpeaks/Lippe Taylor Women's Buying Behavior Index' survey found that women prefer cash the most when it comes to receiving gifts.
- 67% prefer gift cards and cash so they may go purchase the things they want
- 56% would like clothing or some kind of accessory
- 43% like beauty products
- 26% responded with jewelry
When you take gift giving out of the equation, she prefers the following the most:
- 41% time with family
- 25% happiness
- 24% health
It appears as if candles are out the question this year guys!
When it comes to me finding the perfect gift for my wife, it's a challenge every year because she already goes out and buys the things that makes her happy. Trying to find that perfect something for someone that already has pretty much everything she needs, or at least I think she needs, is a challenge. So according to this survey I could throw some cash her way and it be all good, but somehow I don't see that going over very well! My quest will continue to find that one thing that I think she needs that she doesn't have already! Good luck to all the guys, and ladies, who are shopping for her this Christmas.
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