Win A Family Christmas Getaway To Moody Gardens In Galveston
Mix 93-1 has a family getaway to Moody Gardens in Galveston for you!
It'll be a Christmas getaway for family to have some fun together over the Christmas break. To qualify simply send a text with the word GALVESTON to 903.581.0931 (yeah, that's our request line number - but it's now set up to where you can send us a text!)
Winners will be selected at random on Monday, December 18th to receive one of three prize packages that Mix 93-1 is giving away that includes four tickets to Ice Land, the Festival Of Lights, the aquarium and rain forest pyramids and more!
So send us that text with the word GALVESTON to 903.581.0931 and you're qualified! Good luck and Merry Christmas from Mix 93-1!