
Do Something Amazing With Thanksgiving Leftovers
Do Something Amazing With Thanksgiving Leftovers
Do Something Amazing With Thanksgiving Leftovers
One of the repercussions of creating a huge feast is having an enormous amount of leftovers.  You might be bound and determined to eat and eat until you're sick, but even then you and your family might have a little green bean casserole to spare. So we don't feel totally guilty about our gluttony, here are some unique and productive ideas about what to do with all the leftovers.
Thanksgiving...Turkey Or Ham?
Thanksgiving...Turkey Or Ham?
Thanksgiving...Turkey Or Ham?
Thanksgiving is just a day away and I'm pretty sure you or someone in your family has the Thanksgiving meal planned out already and they will either be making the whole meal or have coordinated with family members so the perfect meal is in place, but what about the meat? What will be the main protein on the table this Thanksgiving?

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