With baseball getting ready for the World Series in a couple of weeks, Kidd Kraddick in the Morning is giving away $1000 each weekday with the 6 Second Grand Slam contest!  Listen weekdays at 7:20a for your chance to play to identify the mystery celebrity to win $1000!

Weekday mornings at 7:20a Kidd will announce for you to call the show to be one of 3 "batters" (callers) playing for $1000.  Kidd will play a 6 second clip of a celebrity and the first batter (caller) will have 6 seconds to identify the person - if they do, they win $1000 - if not, they strike out and Kidd moves on to the second batter who will get 6 seconds to play to win and then possibly move on to the 3rd batter of the contest.  The first batter to identify the celebrity wins $1000!

If there are no winners, Kidd will go for another "inning" and play another 6 second audio clip and get 3 more callers to guess to win.

Freshen up on your pop culture because you could be the next up to bat and win $1000!

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