400 Pound Feral Hog Killed In Gregg County
Feral hogs - they are a nuisance to East Texas land and home owners. One East Texas hunter bagged a pretty big one in Gregg County last weekend.
These pigs are always on the move, always seeking out a new food source and rooting around pasture land and even the front and back yards of some neighborhood homes. Farmers and residents are usually left defenseless against these creatures which can be pretty mean sometimes. They move in and basically tear up the land disturbing what might have been growing there.
Farmers, ranchers and homeowners have been trying for years to combat this infestation of feral hogs. They set out food plots with elaborate and expensive traps to capture and eradicate these animals. In Union Grove in Gregg County this past weekend Joe Clowers caught and killed a reported 416 pound feral hog! He shared his huge catch with the Gregg County Game Warden and posted the pic of this huge animal.
That's one ugly, hairy, feral hog that has some huge tusks! That's one pig I would not want to come face to face with! And to think this thing was wandering some 20 yards from his home!
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