Bullard, TX Schools Unable to Offer Free Meals to All Students This School Year
There are children who depend on free school meals in Bullard, TX, unfortunately Bullard ISD's program that covered free meals for all will not be happening this upcoming school year.
Bullard Independent School District revealed that they will no longer be able to offer free meals to all students as they have in years past. According to the school districts website, the USDA waiver that helped the district provide free meals to students before expired on the last day of this past school year.
CBS19 reports, "This means that the school district will start charging for meals based on student eligibility for meal benefits starting on the first day of the school year. The cost of meals moving forward is $2.25 for breakfast for all students; $3 for lunch for Pre-K through 6th grade; and $3.50 for lunch for middle and high school students."
If your family is still in need of assistance now you should apply for free meals. Those who are in need of assistance paying for meals can apply to the "Free and Reduced Lunch Application" on their website.
Otherwise, here is how the cost of meals will look this school year:
- $2.25 for breakfast for all students
- $3.00 for lunch for Pre-K through 6th grade
- $3.50 for lunch for middle and high school students
According to FRAC.org, "school lunch is critical to student health and well-being, especially for low-income students—and ensures that students have nutrition they need throughout the day to learn. Research shows that receiving free or reduced-price school lunches reduces food insecurity, obesity rates, and poor health."
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