Can Drinking Beer Pay Off Your Student Loan Debt? Maybe
So how exactly could drinking beer pay off your student loan debt? Great question, Natural Light wants to help you answer it.
They are paying $10,000,000 toward paying off student loan debts with a social media contest. Last year, they helped 25 people with $1,000,000. This year they are taking it to the next level, and awarding $10,000,000.
So how do you get in on this? It's pretty simple. You post a video on social media with the hashtags #NattyStories and #Contest telling why you were inspired to go to college. Oh, and make sure that you include the green dollar sign beer tab from the limited edition cans in the video.
But wait, there's more! They're also giving away $351 via cash app, the average monthly student loan payment, to lucky fans who share their Super Bowl plans. In total, they plan to give away $53,000 during the big game. In order to win that one, you'll need to share your cash app username, #NattySB and #sweepstakes in a post that details your Super Bowl plans.
It's all in an effort to highlight the, "crippling $1.5 trillion in collective student loan debt across America."
Here's what a winning video from 2018 looks like:
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