Creepy Texas Cryptids To Lookout For
Cryptids are those creatures we hear about every so often that chill us to our souls, we hear about them all over the world but today I wanna explore some Texas cryptids. Now if you didn't know, cryptids are creepy creatures that have grown from local legends all over the world. Every region, state, and country has their own cryptids and the internet has blown up sharing stories of these different monsters for years now. Texas has some pretty interesting cryptids that can get seriously dark, so buckle in!
El Chupacabra
Okay, our first one is an easy one. One that people even outside of the southwest know! El Chupacabra literally translates to goat sucker. The stories surrounding this cryptid usually tell of cattle or livestock like goats and cows that have been found with puncture wounds on their bodies and the blood completely drained from their veins! On top of that, the stories add that El Chupacabra comes in two forms: The true reptilian looking form, and another that is more canine in nature known as blue dogs.

Skinwalkers are probably one of the scariest cryptids on this list because they're EVERYWHERE. Skinwalkers are creatures of Navajo lore that shapeshift into other creatures whether it be person or animal. They also mimic the voices of the creatures they shift into and there are supposed sightings of them everywhere in the US. The people who tend to have the most encounters with them are campers and hikers who explore deep forests at night. You can also look into the stories of the infamous Skinwalker Ranch in Utah. Good luck getting out of that internet rabbit hole.

La Lechuza
La Lechuza is more of a Mexican cryptid but the story has drifted into parts of Texas and New Mexico as well. This cryptid is supposedly an owl with the face of a woman. There are many stories about how La Lechuza came to be but the main story is of a lonely woman living at the edge of a small town or village. The woman is called a witch for living a solitary life and one day when a young boy goes missing, the woman is accused and killed for the crime. Supposedly, she makes a deal with the devil and comes back in the form of an owl to wreak havoc on the people who killed her. If ya don't want to see her, be sure to stay home late at night or you might hear her swooping above you.
The Bear King of Marble Falls
The Bear King was a local legend from the native Kickatoo tribe, one of a manlike creature that ruled over the bears in the region. One day, a woman was kidnapped by this beast and taken to its lair. A group of villagers followed the beast and supposedly shot it dead. The legend doesn't say what they did to the body of the Bear King however and because of this, some people think The Bear King of Marble Falls is still out there somewhere. Roaring with the sound of a humans voice and a bears.

Donkey Lady
This is probably one of the scariest on the list. The Donkey Lady is a cryptid from around San Antonio and depending on the origin story you know, she is...scary. The more normal story says she was thrown over the bridge she haunts by a group of men with her donkey. After this she came back in the form of a donkey to haunt anyone who came around the bridge. The other, more terrifying story, is that a woman was caught in a fire set by her husband. The woman's skin melted and elongated her face, the skin on her hands reformed into some charred, hoof-like form turning her into a human donkey. I would absolutely crap my pants if I saw that waiting for me on a dark bridge in the middle of the night.

Cryptids may or may not be real, but they're one of those things that kind of just make our world a bit more mythical and maybe a little more scary too, but also a little more fun. Depending on who you are, anyway. As a horror movie fan, I say bring on the cryptids! Ill just make sure to keep my distance...
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