There is an area of south Tyler that emanates a pretty foul odor most of the time. It's the sewer treatment plant near Faulkner Park on Cumberland Road. Since Cumberland Road is now a through street many people notice the smell when driving right by it. I know I do, but I accept that it's going to smell when I drive by and the smell will briefly linger around.

Residents who live closer to the sewage treatment plant than I do deal with the smell quite often depending upon how the wind blows. It can be smelly but not as foul as other parts of East Texas.

Unfortunately, East Texas has a smelly side. We don't want to admit it and don't want to brag about it, but there are areas of the Piney Woods that a lot of locals just steer clear of because of the smell.

While East Texas is known for its tall pine trees swaying in the breeze, fragrant and vibrantly colored roses and Spring flowers, oil derricks pumping crude from the Earth, and huge cattle and chicken farms are some places that are known for their odor.

Tourists from all over the world visit East Texas because of its beauty, simplicity, and friendly people. Aside from all the beauty East Texas has to offer, visitors may discover our stinky side.

We've come to appreciate those attributes but at the same time, we see the other side of things too and have noticed that certain parts of East Texas are stinky! We posed the question on our Facebook page asking, "What is the stinkiest town in East Texas?".

Of course, living next to a landfill, a paper mill, or a sewage treatment plant can be pretty stinky.

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So if you're traveling around East Texas you'll probably want to bring along a bottle of Febreeze or Lysol to get the stench out of your upholstered car seats once you drive through these towns.

DON'T SHOOT THE REPORTER - this is a radio station listener-generated list - in no way do we think these East Texas towns are stinky. We're impartial and love all of East Texas the same, stinky or not!

Now, here are the stinkiest cities in East Texas according to you!

6 Stinky Cities in East Texas

We didn't come up with the list - PROMISE! This is a user-generated list of the stinkiest cities in East Texas

Gallery Credit: Lucky Larry, Mix 93-1

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