Fireworks Sales Approved In Smith County, TX for Texas Independence Day
You'll Be Able To Shoot Off Fireworks In Smith County Starting This Weekend!
Normally, after the Christmas & New Year holidays, you would have to wait until the 4th of July to buy fireworks but thanks to the Texas Legislature, you'll MORE chances to buy fireworks throughout the year in Smith County and other parts of Texas.
The Texas Legislature authorized additional periods that fireworks may be sold to the public.
Originally, Texas law only allowed the sale or purchase of fireworks for certain holidays, including the 10 days leading up to Independence Day (June 24-July 4) and the two weeks around the Christmas and New Year holidays (December 20-January 1). But the Legislature in 2021 added that allowed for fireworks sales to happen on 3 additional holidays as long as the Commissioners Courts in each county issues an order authorizing such sales.
The Smith County Commissioners Court voted earlier this month to approve an order authorizing fireworks sales from February 25 through March 2, 2023.
The three additional "approved" holidays are Texas Independence Day, San Jacinto Day and Memorial Day. Since Texas Independence Day falls on March 2nd, that means you'll be able to start hitting fireworks stores this weekend on Saturday Feb. 25th to get your snakes and sparkles, "Black Cats", "Roman Candles", M-80s, Screaming Meemies, gut-busters, crap flappers, whistling bungholes, even whistling Kitty Chasers:
Smith County residents are allowed to pop fireworks throughout the year, and are only restricted on when they can buy them but make sure you check what the ordinance is in your CITY because in most "residential" areas, fireworks are banned.
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