When Is The First Day Of School For East Texas Students?

The kids will be saying, "Where did summer go?" Especially after walking into Walmart, Target, or any other discount store. This past weekend while making my normal shopping trip to Walmart on S. Broadway in Tyler, Texas I was hit with the reminder that school is about to begin soon. As soon as you walk inside those automatic gates on the store's pharmacy/home goods side, you're greeted by school supplies lining the center aisle in these big bright yellow cardboard boxes! It's a sign that school supply season is here.
Spiral notebooks, pencils, scissors, crayons, notebook paper, folders, pens, markers, 3-ring binders and so much more are stocked down that center aisle, and another three or four aisles off to the right just waiting to be purchased and marked off the school supplies list. If it seems like the first day of school creeps up much sooner each year, you're not alone. Just last week the Tyler City Council approved an ordinance to have a uniform speed limit across more than a dozen school zones throughout the city. So school is about to begin y'all.
But when is the first day of school?
It seems as if the majority of East Texas schools will begin in mid-August. At this point, you have a little less than a month to purchase the requested school supplies for your child/children and get the appropriate school uniform, if it's required by your district.
Here's a list of when your student(s) will be expected to be in class to begin the 2023-2024 school year:
Tap on the school district name and you'll be taken to the school district's official calendar.
Tyler ISD
Wednesday, August 16th
Longview ISD
Wednesday, August 9th
Jacksonville ISD
Wednesday, August 16th
Thursday, August 10th
Athens ISD
Monday, August 7th
Big Sandy ISD
Wednesday, August 9th
Brownsboro ISD
Wednesday, August 9th
Bullard ISD
Wednesday, August 16th
Canton ISD
Wednesday, August 16th
Chapel Hill ISD (Smith County)
Wednesday, August 16th
Chapel Hill ISD (Titus County
Wednesday, August 1th
Cumberland Academy
Wednesday, August 16th
Daingerfield - Lone Star ISD
Tuesday, August 8th
Frankston ISD
Wednesday, August 2nd
Gilmer ISD
Thursday, August 10th
Grand Saline ISD
Wednesday, August 16th
Hallsville ISD
Tuesday, August 15th
Hawkins ISD
Wednesday, August 16th
Henderson ISD
Wednesday, August 9th
Kilgore ISD
Wednesday, August 16th
Lindale ISD
Wednesday, August 16th
Marshall ISD
Tuesday, August 15th
Martin's Mill ISD
Thursday, August 17th
Mineola ISD
Wednesday, August 16th
Mt. Pleasant ISD
Wednesday, August 16th
Mt. Vernon ISD
Monday, August 7th
Murchison ISD
Monday, August 14th
Neches ISD
Wednesday, August 10th
New Summerfield ISD
Monday, August 7th
Overton ISD
Wednesday, August 9th
Palestine ISD
Thursday, August 10th
Paris ISD
Monday, August 14th
Pine Tree ISD
Wednesday, August 16th
Pittsburg ISD
Thursday, August 17th
Quitman ISD
Tuesday, August 15th
Rusk ISD
Monday, August 7th
Spring Hill ISD
Wednesday, August 16th
Sulphur Springs ISD
Tuesday, August 22nd
Terrell ISD
Wednesday, August 9th
Troup ISD
Wednesday, August 9th
Thursday, August 17th
Westwood ISD
Wednesday, August 16th
Whitehouse ISD
Wednesday, August 16th
White Oak ISD
Tuesday, August 15th
Winnsboro ISD
Tuesday, August 15th
Winona ISD
Wednesday, August 16th
There are a lot of school districts here in East Texas. In the event, I left your school district off the list (there's a good chance that I have) and you would like for it to be included, please send me an email with the name of the district along with a link to the school calendar (if possible) and I will get your school district added to the list.
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