Free Bulky Item Collection Week Coming to Tyler Oct. 2-6
Get ready to see weird stuff on the curb in Tyler, because the Solid Waste Department and Keep Tyler Beautiful are sponsoring a FREE bulky item collection for City of Tyler residential customers.
This year, Solid Waste will be picking up items for one week only from Monday, Oct. 2 through Friday, Oct. 6. Those participating in this campaign should place bulky items on the curb by Monday, Oct. 2.
It's important to note, that your items must be on the curb by Monday, Oct. 2.
Also, you can't place just anything out on the curb, bulky items to be picked up at NO CHARGE include: furniture, appliances, carpet, fence material, up to four non-commercial vehicle tires, old toys and other large items that would normally require a special fee.
No liquid waste, limbs or brush will be picked up. Paint must be dried out with oil dry or kitty litter.
Please note that items may be collected on a different day from regularly scheduled garbage collection.
Can't get your stuff to the curb in time? You're in luck, many bulky items will be accepted at no charge during regular business hours at the City of Tyler Recycling Center if the resident presents an original water bill not more than 45 days from the bill date along with a current ID.
Open Monday through Friday, 7:15 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. and Saturday, 8 a.m. to 2 p.m., the Recycling Center is located at 418 N. Bois D’Arc Ave., Downtown Tyler.
The following items are accepted at the Recycling Center:
• Paper (newspapers, magazines, phonebooks, ads and office paper)
• Cardboard of any type (broken down)
• Plastic (rinsed and crushed #1 and #2 HDPE, lids removed; examples- water or soda bottles, milk jugs and detergent bottles)
• Glass (rinsed clear, green and brown glass bottles and jars with lids removed) NO BLUE GLASS OR MIRRORS
• Ink Cartridges
• Electronics (computers, TVs, monitors, cell phones, chargers and other portable devices)
• Metal (copper, aluminum, brass and steel)
• Aluminum cans (rinsed and crushed, no aluminum pie plates or tin)
• Household appliances including air conditioners and refrigerators DO NOT require a disposal fee this week as long as you provide a current water bill
• Motor oil/hydraulic fluid
• Automotive batteries/anti-freeze
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